Meet the Clevercitizens
Since the company’s launch in 2012, we have invested our time and resources in developing groundbreaking technology and hiring the best people to form a global company that values hard work and innovation. The backbone of our company and the reason for our success in innovation, leadership, and support are our Clevercitizens—the most innovative individuals in the smart parking industry. Cleverciti has offices across the globe including European headquarters in Munich, Germany, and North American headquarters in Atlanta.
As Clevercitizens we are passionate about technology with the power to change the world. We work together to make big things happen.
Leadership team
Michel Tombroff - Venture Partner of SPDG (Chairman)
Olivier Perier - CEO of SPDG
Thomas Hohenacker - Founder, Cleverciti
Torsten Krumm - Managing Partner, Ambra Advisory
Steve Westly - Managing Partner of The Westly Group (Observer)
Frederic Papeians - Senior Advisor of SPDG
Theo Schulte - Investment Manager of EnBW New Ventures
Bettina Krüger-Derst - Prokuristin, KFW (Observer)